Section 1 Introduction

VCRIS (Virginia Cultural Resource Information System) provides access to electronic records for historic properties in DHR’s Archives, as well as an online submission system for recording new buildings, structures, landscapes, and archaeological sites.

VCRIS includes an interactive web map and detailed information about each site, along with evaluative information about the historic significance of resources.

DHR launched VCRIS in 2013 and enhancements are ongoing.

VCRIS login

1.1 What is VCRIS?

VCRIS supports DHR’s management of cultural resources across the Commonwealth. Users of the system are primarily cultural resource professionals working toward compliance with environmental and historic preservation regulations, survey, documentation, and listing in the Registers. Searches in VCRIS generally satisfy requirements for SHPO background research.

Access to VCRIS is available to qualified individuals and organizations for a fee. See the Accounts (LINK) section for more details.

The VCRIS public viewer includes limited information about architectural resources, but should not be used to support compliance.

What VCRIS is not

Detailed information is not available to the general public without a login, but DHR Archives staff members are happy to help. See below for contact info.

VCRIS is not the system in which to submit Section 106 projects to DHR’s Division of Review and Compliance for clearance. These submissions come through ePIX.

1.2 Sensitive Archaeological Data

Virginia’s cultural resource inventory contains detailed information about the location and nature of archaeological sites. Since archaeological sites may be at risk for looting and vandalism if this information is shared, these data are generally exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act §2.2-3705.7.

We provide access to detailed archaeological site location information on a need-to-know basis. However, if you or your organization produce publicly available maps, documents, or reports, do not include archaeological site locations. DHR staff are happy to provide you with technical assistance to safely share information in a way that meets your needs while protecting our irreplaceable heritage.

1.3 Data Updates

Survey data is visible as soon as it is approved through the QC process by DHR staff. Concurrence information (National Register Eligibility data) for decisions made by Review and Compliance staff is updated on a roughly monthly basis. However, there may be longer delays. Contact DHR archives with any questions. CRM reports and images are uploaded monthly.

1.4 Resources and Contact Info

Schedule VCRIS training, online or in-person

Download the Guidelines for Conducting Historic Resources Survey in Virginia (revised 2017), DHR’s Survey Manual

To ask questions or get help, contact us:

Finding information about historic sites or properties in Virginia
Quatro Hubbard, Archivist

(804) 482-6102

Setting up your account, fees, password or system issues, etc.
Jolene Smith, VCRIS Technical Lead

(804) 482-6438

Recording architectural/above-ground properties
Blake McDonald, Architectural Data Manager

(804) 482-6086

Recording archaeological sites
Sean Tennant, Archaeology Data Manager

(804) 482-8095

GIS, Feature Service
Dominic Bascone, GIS Coordinator

(804) 482-6101